The Basics Of Reaping and Sowing


give what you want to give

I found this picture on Google. It so fits in with what has been stirring in my heart. We have all heard the phrase we reap what we sow.  The principle is actually based on ancient farming principles that were found in Biblical scripture. The basic principle of reaping what you sow is a person gets what they deserve. EVERYTHING we do has consequences or repercussions. It is a Godly principle that what we do in this life effects us now and the afterlife.

Galatians  6:7-9 tells us in the Bible about this lesson. It basically is telling us to stay encouraged. Don’t give up, you will receive the reward for doing right in God’s eyes. It also tells us if we follow the worlds ways and our own selfish desires we will have spiritual death  and it will lead to an eternity  away from our Savior.

Lately, I find myself on the battlefield. The spiritual warfare is fierce. There have been times that I have been discouraged. I have felt my spiritual and physical strength faltering. It is just like when I was a sprinter in school, by the end of the race, I could feel there was no strength left in me.

In these times of battle,  I don’t want to say or do the wrong thing. I don’t want to reap the consequences of loosing control. I don’t want to say or do something that I will regret.  So, I have to go and plug myself back in to get recharged. Just like an electronic device,  I have to plug into the power source. I have to take a moment and say, God, I don’t want to do something or say something that is going to damage your reputation or mine. For your name sake, lead me and guide me. Please help me get through this with a good attitude. Just trying to have a good attitude is not going to work in and of itself.  I also need to ask God to continue to work in me. Many times there is a WAIT TIME involved. Know that it does not mean that He is not working. While we are in the waiting period we have to do our part. Our part is to trust him and study his word. It is medicine for our soul. We begin to see our problems from God’s point of view when we stay plugged into the source.  God’s word compels us to be the best version of us that we can be.  It takes the power and wise counsel  of the Holy Spirit to persevere through the darkness. Through the battle, through the pain.

During these times we must remember who we are representing. Many are watching us. They are watching to see if our daily actions match up to our words. It is so easy to say you are a Christian on Sunday morning. It is really important to understand that it is going to take a lot more than a weekly visit on Sunday morning to be a difference maker. It is more than wearing your church serve shirt, or your fish emblem on your car. We have to keep plugged into the power source. It is the only way we are going to have victory during difficult times. Instead of just singing songs like, Jesus is the center of it all, we need to really let Jesus be the center of it all. Keep feeding ourselves the nourishing word of God. Instead of wearing the WWJD bracelet or shirt why don’t we  simply do what Jesus would do.

IT is then and only then that we will be able to reap a harvest of plenty. If we carry out the principles of the word of God , He has given us his promises that his blessings will be poured out in a mighty way. We will be blessed so much that our storehouse will overflow. Many relate this to finances . I believe it  flows over to things that money just cannot buy. Those things like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control and let us not forget long-suffering.

IF we sow these fruits of the spirit, we will reap them. It might be a while, the battle may be fierce, the trenches may be deep, but the harvest will be great. Who could not use some more of these fruits. Lord, may my cup runneth over !

So, I ask you to sow right where you are planted. Sow words of encouragement and not ones of discord. Speak life ~ There have been kind words and encouraging friends that the Lord has sent me along the way to show me I am not alone. God knows when our strength and faith is faltering and He sends the help we need right when we need it.

May we keep our eyes on Him, Matthew 7:7 reminds us to keep on asking and it will be given to you. Keep on seeking and you will find, keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. Keep praying and thanking God that He is working even if we are not seeing results. The results  will come and when they do, grab a big basket for the harvest will be overflowing ~

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4 Responses to The Basics Of Reaping and Sowing

  1. This is a timely encouragement and confirmation. My 17 year old son is coming back from a 6 week dance intensive and I have been recharging the whole time. Time to be the shining example come Saturday and beyond. It can and has been a battle at times to walk in the light of love while being a single parent to a teenage boy but Gods strength is made perfect in my weakness.

    Liked by 1 person

    • darla05 says:

      Emily, I remember the days of being a single Mom. It is so much responsibility. I am so thankful that you rest and get your strength from the Lord Almighty. With Him by your side you will soar. What a wonderful 6 weeks to recharge the entire time. I hope your son sees the glow beaming from you. Prayers right now for the Lord to give you strength and courage to shine that light brightly.

      Your words of Gods strength is made perfect in my weakness is such perfect timing. This scripture has been brought up time and time again to me in the last few weeks. This is where I am. I feel like when I am real and transparent and reveal my weaknesses to others, it is then that the Lord shows up and breaks down walls and barriers. He is so faithful. THANK YOU for reading. YOUR comments are cherished. Have a wonderful morning and get ready to shine ~~~~~


  2. Pingback: The Basics Of Reaping and Sowing | CountlessWonders - Contemplative Theology : Contemplative Theology

  3. Larry Kirkland Sr says:

    I always start the day with a long talk with the Lord and I pray for everyone that I know and those that I don’t. Bless You


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