
Hebrews 4 -16

Today starts our 21 days of prayer and fasting at our church. It is a time of dedicating this new year to the Lord. Fasting can be food or giving up something that we do on a daily basis and giving that time to the Lord. I have been thinking a lot about what do I dedicate for the next three weeks  to the Lord.

As I start my morning devotion this morning, I have added several new devotions to my mornings. One is, “A Cup of Comfort, Book of Prayers” it was my Grandmothers. She died in September and it is just now that I can truly pick it up and read the pages that her hands held without crying big time.   I also  have a new devotion book called, “Grace for the Moment” from Max Lucado. It was given to me as one of my Christmas presents from a dear friend, Tracy Calamas. As I include it with several others that I read, this scripture stood out so for me. I had to grab my computer and start writing what is on my heart.

Let us BOLDLY approach the throne of our gracious God, where we may receive mercy and his grace to find timely help. This is how this verse reads in the NIV version. As this new year is unveiled, I feel, no let me say I KNOW that the Lord is speaking to me about living Fearless. Living Boldly, Living with Confidence in Him.  My new signature for the year is #LiveFearless2015#. I have even ordered a bracelet that says this on it that should arrive next week. Step out boldly when the thoughts in your head say otherwise. Step out fiercely even when others say it cannot be done. Step out with confidence in the Lord when the enemy throws fiery darts my way.

Did you catch two other words in that scripture? They sure stood out for me. TIMELY HELP.  Our God is the God of PERFECT timing. How many lessons I have endured to understand this promise. His timing, NOT mine. His timing is not too soon, it is not too late, Perfect arrival. Right on time.

Most of my devotions today were about not being afraid. God is all powerful. Sovereign over all. He is preparing us for 2015 and he does not want us to be afraid to dream BIG. What a beautiful reminder this morning that our God wants us to step out boldly. Just like a boy long ago did. There was a small Shepard boy who had faith big enough to kill a giant. He stepped out boldly when everything in the natural said you are not capable. BUT our God does not work in the natural. He is the God of the SUPER NATURAL.  He is the God that says boldly ask me, obey me and seek me with all your heart and soul and mind and stand back and see my promises to you come to pass.

He is the same God that parted the Red Sea. He is the same God that made light out of darkness. He is the same God that breathed new life into Lazarus , a man that was dead for 4 days. He is the same God that sent his son to die for us and then in three days was resurrected. Our Redeemer lives ~ This same God can breath new life into our dreams, our hopes, our lives. We must approach His throne of grace FEARLESS ~


In His Love and Mine,


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3 Responses to #LiveFearless2015#

  1. Pamela says:

    Good Morning Soldier!! In reading what was on your heart today, I realized something. The word BOLD. That could easily become a place in time that gets most in trouble. But not with God. David has been an example for me and many others through out the years with his example of BOLD., and FEARLESS. These two attributes were truly his that day with Goliath. It wasn’t David that was bold and fearless, but his FAITH, that made it so. I can think back on times I was in bible study with several different churches, people, pastors, etc. and they would always refer back to my BOLDNESS. Sometimes I would feel inferior, or afraid that I was doing something wrong. But not long afterwards I’ve discovered that it was an admiration on their part. They were in a position of leadership and that sort of thing was unheard of..BOLDNESS. You could not come across as BOLD when in that position, it could mislead folks. I think what happened was, they started following rituals and rules and forgot what God was saying to them. They were walking in rules and not faith. I just said what was on my heart and didn’t care or think to care of what the people thought of me. It was more important what God thought of me. Because what He thought of me mattered a great deal. If I was more concerned with the church’s opinion of me, I was in big trouble. They are no different than I am. No better and no worse off. But God! He mattered. When I became so close to Him that I couldn’t hear anything else, what they were thinking turned out to be, ADMIRATION!. They were thinking they wanted to be that free to worship the Most High God without fear of what anyone thought of them. I was surprised at how many people would approach me after church and thank me for being so ‘simple’ and ‘childlike’ with my praise and love for Jesus!! I never understood where that was coming from. I thought all people who worshiped God were at ease with the process of it all. I found that to be far from the truth. I’ve had pastors cry when talking to me and saying things like, ” I wish I was like a child again, with no fear of how I praise Him”…they lost their JOY, because of FEAR. I pray that in the days to come, people find that joy again. Including me. To praise and worship our Father without fear. Be bold from now on. Stand up for what is right and righteous. To never be ashamed of the Gospel. To love without restraint. To forgive immediately. To see people with the eyes of Jesus. To see they look just like you on the inside. No different. No color. All sinners. Just to be forgiven. Thanks for waking up and writing what God puts on your heart. Again, you make a difference. I imagine so many read this and get busy and forget to give you feedback. I don’t want to forget. I know I do sometimes. But its important to encourage those who give their time to what is making a difference in this world. I will always try to do that for you Darla. Love you sister! Keep on fighting the good fight!! xxoo


    • darla05 says:

      How your words are to my soul what a cold glass of water is on a scorching day. Thank you for the encouragement. Thank you for sharing your life stories with me and the lessons that you have learned.

      Most of all thank you for taking the time to write this. My sharing on here what is on my heart is so revealing. It is so raw and at times intimidating to open myself up for the world to see. But, I know that it is not about me and it is about the Lord and what he will do with these simple writings that I share. Sometimes I catch many grammar mistakes or misspelled words after I hit publish. UGH ~ How it bothers me but the Lord uses these too. In my weakness his strength is revealed.

      To live fearless for 2015 means to cast away the negative opinions from others and the ones that are in my own mind. It is to step out in faith when the water is over my head. Hey that says a lot for a girl that can not swim. As the song OCEANS by Hillsong says,

      Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
      Let me walk upon the waters
      Wherever You would call me
      Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
      And my faith will be made stronger
      In the presence of my Savior

      I will call upon Your Name
      Keep my eyes above the waves
      My soul will rest in Your embrace
      I am Yours and You are mine

      YOU are so loved Pam. I prayed for you this morning. The pray is written in ink in my new journal. I ask the Lord that you might find safety in HIS name. Then I read your beautiful message here. Thanking the Lord for you. What a difference maker you are in my life ~ Your encouragement pushes me to press on~ Just what friends are suppose to do. Iron sharpening iron. Encouraging one another. What a beautiful gift he has given you~ Thank you ~


      • Pamela says:

        One more reply. I wonder how many people have any idea what it means when someone says, ” I prayed for you today”? Someone took the time to stand in the presence of our Most High God, BOLDLY coming to the Throne of Grace on your behalf? Does anyone really know the magnitude of that? You have made your day count as well as mine!! Thank you for praying for me. Please don’t ever stop!!!

        Liked by 1 person

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