Never Give Up~


One day Jesus told his disciples a story to illustrate their need for constant prayer and to show them that they must never give up.

In Luke 18:1,  there is a story about a widowed woman who persistently went to a judge who ignored her. Now, Jesus was not saying that he was like that evil. He commended the woman for her perseverance. SHE NEVER GAVE UP. The Judge granted her request because of her perseverance.

How often do we give up serving God because we feel like we are not getting anywhere? How often do we get up early in the morning and rush right into the day because we had so much to do that we did not have time to pray?

Ask God for his strength. He will help you keep going even when you feel like giving up. HE will see you through. There is power in prayer. It is the fuel that we need to conquer each day, each valley, each test that come our way.

My challenge for each one of us today is this…Stay committed ~ Live by faith, Lean on his presence and the key to success is  LIVE BY PRAYER ~

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2 Responses to Never Give Up~

  1. vickiaday says:

    My word for this year is tenacity sometimes you have to persevere and remind yourself to keep going


  2. darla05 says:

    Totally agree ~ Along with self discipline for me. In all areas of my life. Hard but doable ~


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